Our VisionElevate Student Ministries exists to elevate the way families learn the Word of God so that their love for Christ will impact others by the way they live out their lives. The measure of our ministry will be our ability to reproduce ourselves in the lives of other people.
(II Tim 2:2; I Thes 2:1-20) Vertical Divider
Our ValuesChildren matter most.
Prayer is intentional and meaningful. Relationships are loving and caring. Worship is passionate. Teaching is Biblical and transformational. Spiritual growth is expected. Kindness is a way of life. Vertical Divider
Our PassionWe celebrate when children can personally know and understand these truths: God loves me and created me for Him.
God give me a special purpose to live out. The Bible is God's Word and it is for me to understand and apply. I can hear, recognize, and obey the Holy Spirit in my life. (John 15) Vertical Divider
Our PurposeTo invite families into a secure and welcoming environment.
To engage children in dynamic teaching and Biblical worship. To connect with families so they can develop and serve together. To equip parents and children to live out their faith daily. To respond to God's Word with compassion to impact others. |
Sunday Afternoon12:30pm
Wednesday Evening5:00 pm - Teens
6:30pm |